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« on: March 05, 2020, 07:58:30 AM »
Chionodoxa forbesii, Glory of the Snow

“All things come to those who wait”

In 2009 when my daughter and I visited the north east of England to revisit old haunts and see some new places. A friend of mine kindly took us to The Alnwick Garden. These small flowers created a blue carpet under the bare trees, the month was April. At the time I had not noted their name.

In December 2019 we were sent a RHS calendar and the picture for February was of Chionodoxa forbesii, at last I learned the name of the flowers I had seen eleven years before. Chionodoxa, I don’t know if the flowers at Alnwick are Chionodoxa forbesii or some other Chionodoxa

Chionodoxa nana is mentioned in the book review of Flowers of Crete in THE MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN number 42, October 2005.
MGS member
Living in Korinthos, Greece.
No garden but two balconies, one facing south and the other north.
Most of my plants are succulents which need little care