The Mediterranean Garden April 2012

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The Mediterranean Garden April 2012
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:45:07 AM »
The latest issue of The Mediterranean Garden has articles by several of our Forum stalwarts. Marilyn gives a fascinating account of progress on the ambitious plans to convert the 11-hectare resort where she is Garden Manager to entirely Algarve native plantings. John J describes the interesting development of plant "micro-reserves" in Cyprus - and in another article tells us more about the soakaway disaster that he has previously mentioned here. Andrew Sloan reviews - very favourably - a book which applies Zen Buddhist principles to gardening, and in another enthusiastic review Jo describes a splendid new booklet on The Cyclamen of Greece. And Cali reports her interview with a Greek expert on the battle against the red palm weevil, as part of a wider three-author series on this plague and practical measures of defence.
Alisdair Aird
Gardens in SE England (Sussex); also coastal Southern Greece, and (in a very small way) South West France; MGS member (and former president); vice chairman RHS Lily Group, past chairman Cyclamen Society