Orange-flowered cactus ID'd by Hinterland1 as Rebutia heliosa

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David Dickinson

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Any help identifying this will, as always, be gratefully received :-)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 07:54:01 AM by Alisdair »
I have a small garden in Rome, Italy. Some open soil, some concrete, some paved. Temperatures in winter occasionally down to 0°C. Summer temperatures up to 40°C in the shade. There are never watering restrictions but, of course, there is little natural water for much of June, July and August.

David Dickinson

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Re: Any help in identifying this cactus...
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2016, 09:36:53 AM »
Thanks very much Hinterland. Incredibly quick too! I have a second cactus to identify which looks like it is from the same family. Or maybe it is just a variety of Rebutia heliosa? I'll send a photo now.
I have a small garden in Rome, Italy. Some open soil, some concrete, some paved. Temperatures in winter occasionally down to 0°C. Summer temperatures up to 40°C in the shade. There are never watering restrictions but, of course, there is little natural water for much of June, July and August.