The MGS Forum

Plant identification => Plant identification => Topic started by: Daisy on January 27, 2012, 09:50:26 AM

Title: Lilium IDd by Richard Hyde as 'Acapulco'
Post by: Daisy on January 27, 2012, 09:50:26 AM
This is such a shot in the dark.
I bought these lily bulbs last winter. Of course, the garden centre didn't know which ones they were. ::) ::) ::)
They are highly scented and about 4 feet (1.25) tall.
Any ideas?
Thanks Daisy :)

Title: Re: Lilium who?
Post by: MikeHardman on January 27, 2012, 10:55:46 AM
hmmm - 'Stargazer'?
Title: Re: Lilium who?
Post by: Daisy on January 27, 2012, 11:34:49 AM
Thanks Mike, but it is not Stargazer. I also have Stargazer nearby.
Daisy :)
Title: Re: Lilium who?
Post by: oron peri on January 27, 2012, 06:08:04 PM
Hi Daisy,

Probably 'Mona Lisa', usually less then 1m but it seems yours is growing in quite shady conditions so it might be taller.
Any way Alisdair is The expert for Lilies lets see what's his verdict.
Title: Re: Lilium who?
Post by: Daisy on February 02, 2012, 10:46:35 AM
You could be right Oron. It is a good contender.
I have been looking around the internet for it, and it could be Acapulco.
Daisy :) (
Title: Re: Lilium who?
Post by: Alisdair on February 03, 2012, 06:54:19 PM
Oron, You're too kind to me - I know far too little about lily hybrids, though I do grow a lot of the wild species.
So I sent Daisy's picture to the UK's expert on lily hybrids, Richard Hyde. This is what he thought:
The pedicel is far too wide for Monalisa, judging from the colour of the newly opened flower I would say Acapulco, this is a tall growing oriental hybrid.
You can see Richard's website, an absolute treasure-trove of lilies, by clicking here (
Title: Re: Lilium who?
Post by: Daisy on February 05, 2012, 02:51:45 PM
Alisdair, I don't know whether to thank-you or curse you for putting that link in the thread. ::) ::) ::)
Those lilies are so yummy, but I don't have any more room!!!!! :'( :'( :'(
Thank-you for taking the trouble to refer the photo for verification.
Thanks also to Richard Hyde for his identification. :)
Daisy :)