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Plant identification => Plant identification => Topic started by: violapinnata on December 11, 2013, 06:58:50 PM

Title: An Acanthacea still flourished in a Menton garden: Strobilanthes cusia
Post by: violapinnata on December 11, 2013, 06:58:50 PM
Taken yesterday in a garden on Menton (france) this is for me an unknown lamiacea. It would be nice to find its name...Can anyone help me in this task?
Title: Re: A lamiacea still flourished in a Menton garden
Post by: violapinnata on December 11, 2013, 08:48:51 PM
J have now identified this plant: it is a Strobilanthes cusia (Nees) Kuntze = Strobilanthes flaccidifolia Nees   a chinese  ACANTHACEA and not a Lamiacea.