Not having much luck with birds so far this year

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David Dickinson

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Not having much luck with birds so far this year
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:08:37 PM »
To the north of me there is only one house and fields. The house has been empty for some time but the owner came by a couple of weeks ago and started a mass tidying up. The Nightingale moved on :-(

Now for some inexplicable reason a pair of normally shy Subalpine Warblers have decided to build a nest in a Bougainvillea about a foot from my back door. If they had bothered to tell me, I wouldn't have started to rake off dead bracts in the dark. It was only when I did this that I realised the nest was there. The bird flew out in panic and either I or she knocked at least one egg onto the floor. I will inspect fully tomorrow to see if there are other smashed eggs around. If they do decide to persevere and lay a full clutch it means that I will have no natural light in the bathroom for the duration as I won't be able to open the shutter. I'll also have to tiptoe gently when coming and going from the house. 
I have a small garden in Rome, Italy. Some open soil, some concrete, some paved. Temperatures in winter occasionally down to 0°C. Summer temperatures up to 40°C in the shade. There are never watering restrictions but, of course, there is little natural water for much of June, July and August.

David Dickinson

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Re: Not having much luck with birds so far this year
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2017, 07:02:43 AM »
Ooops, translated the Italian "Occhiocotto" as Subalpine rather than Sardinian Warbler. Sorry.
I have a small garden in Rome, Italy. Some open soil, some concrete, some paved. Temperatures in winter occasionally down to 0°C. Summer temperatures up to 40°C in the shade. There are never watering restrictions but, of course, there is little natural water for much of June, July and August.