The mysterious case of the disappearing Freesia laxa

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David Dickinson

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The mysterious case of the disappearing Freesia laxa
« on: May 16, 2020, 10:51:52 AM »
I had been growing the red variety for some time when I decided to try with both the blue and white varieties from seed. The blue came up first and about 7 plants germinated,  producing buds in the first autumn which opened in late winter. Way before the red type so I was happy that I had got pure seeds from the blue. Then the white form flowered after the blue ones and before the reds. I feel confident that those seeds will be pure white. About 4 or 5 had germinated. About 7 weeks passed before  the red ones  came out, Both the established ones and lots of bulblets. So far so good. No possibility of cross pollination and an extended flowering period.

I was expecting the same pattern this year. However, plants appeared in both vases but at the same time, early this year. Only one plant in the blue vase. When the flowers came out they were all white including the one in the blue pot. A rogue white seedling, presumably as the vases were standing side by side. Fearing the worst i.e. assuming that none of the blue ones had survived, I dug around a bit and found several small bulbs in healthy condition  but with no sign of sprouting. Perhaps waiting for autumn? But why would the blue form have a different cycle to the others? All a mystery to me. Some photos from last year.
I have a small garden in Rome, Italy. Some open soil, some concrete, some paved. Temperatures in winter occasionally down to 0°C. Summer temperatures up to 40°C in the shade. There are never watering restrictions but, of course, there is little natural water for much of June, July and August.