Online horticultural courses?

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Online horticultural courses?
« on: August 10, 2016, 12:05:16 PM »
Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if this has been asked before but I know the members here have vasts amounts of knowledge and maybe have even experienced doing an online course in horticulture and was hoping for a little input.

Clearly online study is no substitute for hands on experience but I will have a bit more free time on my hands soon and look at this to be a good chance to possibly retrain myself in a new direction for the future.
Ideally I would be looking to do a course that will give a usable accreditation in the end with the opportunity to go on to further study for an advanced certificate or diploma.

Now there are a lot of options online and I assume they all offer varying degrees of recognition which is where it comes time to sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak, especially as it is not exactly cheap to do a course.
Aside from some of the basic Horticulture 101 type courses I have found that some places offer courses on Australian natives and reading the overview these are some of the courses that really interest me the most. Truth be told there are numerous courses that interest me but probably can't do more than one or two at a time depending on how intensive they are.

So I guess what I am really asking is if anyone has any experience of these types of courses and what is the best way to go about?
 Also if you don't have experience of them I am still open to hear/read ones opinions.
Any input or recommendations at all would be great and much appreciated.

G'day from an Aussie in Spain. Currently attempting a total garden overhaul.