Congress of the Italian Botanical Society, September 2012

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Congress of the Italian Botanical Society, September 2012
« on: May 23, 2012, 11:53:44 AM »
Forum members may be interested to know about the annual Congress of the Italian Botanical Society, to be hosted for the first time this year by the University of Sannio in Benevento, some 30 miles NE of Naples.
Main topics will include green technologies for environmental sustainability, plants in medical research, research into how plants signal their nature and needs to other organisms, biodiversity in the landscape, and the infrastructure needed to protect biodiversity. There will be excursions to a unique cypress forest (apparently resistant to the dreaded cypress canker), and to other little-known treasures of the Campania.
The Congress is to be held in the beautiful Church and Monastery of St Augustine in the town's medieval quarter.
It will take place on 18-22 September, 2012; registration by 30 May is cheaper than later.
For more details click here (or for an Italian version click here).
Alisdair Aird
Gardens in SE England (Sussex); also coastal Southern Greece, and (in a very small way) South West France; MGS member (and former president); vice chairman RHS Lily Group, past chairman Cyclamen Society