Add Austria and Slovakia to the List of Plant Suppliers

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Add Austria and Slovakia to the List of Plant Suppliers
« on: November 20, 2021, 01:30:10 AM »
Sarastro-Stauden Christian H.Kreß, Kammer 42, 4981 Reichersberg, Austria
Specialist in hardy flowering perennials, alpine plants and botanical rarities from all over the world. Garden enthusiasts and shrub enthusiasts can choose from over 3,000 species and varieties, strength lies in the versatility of the entire perennial range.

Obstbaumschule Schreiber, Im Gmirk 3, 3170 Poysdorf, Austria
161 sorts of fruit trees and some rootstocks; for commercial fruit growing and private customers.


Horticulture Limbach online-shop
Specialist in rare fruit trees, also Almond, Chestnut, Mulberry, Cudrania, Persimmon, Medlar, Fig, new interspecific fruit hybrids (from russia) and rootstocks.
Due to long transport times (5 days and more) and the threat of plant damages, especially in summer, they only send the plants to Sweden, Finland, Spain, France and Italy in spring (March) or in autumn (September – November). They are unable to ship Plants outside the EU.
Garden designer in pension, garden photographer. I have a garden (1200 square meter) at Wels, Austria and I passionately attend a garden on the island of Losinj, Croatia.


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Re: Add Austria and Slovakia to the List of Plant Suppliers
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2021, 08:06:57 AM »
Useful information - thank you.
MGS member living and gardening in Umbria, Italy for past 19 years. Recently moved from my original house and now planning and planting a new small garden.