Fruit/Veg of the day

  • 159 Replies

John J

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Re: Fruit/Veg of the day
« Reply #150 on: September 13, 2021, 03:04:54 PM »
David, nespole was a new one on me until I looked it up and found they were loquats. We have a couple of trees in our garden. When you were in Malaysia did you ever acquire a taste for Durian? We always knew when they were in season as the streets of the city centre reeked of them, people carrying them were not allowed on public transport.
Cyprus Branch Head. Gardens in a field 40 m above sea level with reasonably fertile clay soil.
"Aphrodite emerged from the sea and came ashore and at her feet all manner of plants sprang forth" John Deacon (13thC AD)

David Dickinson

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Re: Fruit/Veg of the day
« Reply #151 on: September 14, 2021, 12:47:12 AM »
Hi John,

Durian do smell, don't they. Not allowed in several places in Malaysia, I recall. Hotels being one of them. I did eat them on occasion and the taste was okay. I have to be honest, overall, tropical fruit (in my humble opinion) is not a patch on Mediterranean/European fruit. Mangos and pineapple would be the exception. I wouldn't be without cherries, peaches, melon in summer and oranges and crisp, sweet, juicy apples in winter - whoever "invented" floury apples?! Ugghh!!! . Just imagine, after a week lost in a desert, stumbling across a fridge. Using every last ounce of your strength to heave the door open, you come across a sweet, ripe water melon. Which tropical fruit could match that?
I have a small garden in Rome, Italy. Some open soil, some concrete, some paved. Temperatures in winter occasionally down to 0°C. Summer temperatures up to 40°C in the shade. There are never watering restrictions but, of course, there is little natural water for much of June, July and August.


John J

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Re: Fruit/Veg of the day
« Reply #152 on: September 25, 2021, 06:22:29 PM »
Not exactly fruit of the day, but some of the ones that we have on our trees at the moment.
We have already been enjoying the Figs, Strawberry guava, Pomegranates and Passion fruit.
Still to come are the Guava, Persimmon, Avocado and Mango.
We have a good crop of Medlar but hardly ever bother to go to the trouble of finding ways to get them to ripen.
Our Walnut produces very few nuts as the temperature at this altitude is not to its liking, they much prefer the climate higher up the mountain.
Cyprus Branch Head. Gardens in a field 40 m above sea level with reasonably fertile clay soil.
"Aphrodite emerged from the sea and came ashore and at her feet all manner of plants sprang forth" John Deacon (13thC AD)



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Re: Fruit/Veg of the day
« Reply #153 on: November 12, 2021, 03:09:21 PM »
For some reason we've never had much luck with green peas. Usually when we sow them they get eaten before or as they are germinating.
This year we sowed about half a dozen of 3 different varieties - only 4 survived!
So we actually have been able to harvest a few pods for the table.
They are Sugar Snap varieties so the whole pod can be eaten,
Mr F de Sousa, Central Victoria, Australia
member of AGS, SRGC, NARGS
working as a physio to support my gardening habit!



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Re: Fruit/Veg of the day
« Reply #154 on: November 23, 2021, 03:03:18 PM »
We usually plant a bed of Broad Beans ( also called Fava Beans) but this one came up from the compost which we added to a raised bed for some Chinese Pistachio seedlings
Mr F de Sousa, Central Victoria, Australia
member of AGS, SRGC, NARGS
working as a physio to support my gardening habit!



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Re: Fruit/Veg of the day
« Reply #155 on: November 27, 2021, 05:03:26 PM »
I sympathise with you Fermi. You sew seeds and look forward to having some tasty veg and the snails, birds or tree rats eat them.  We share our 'produce' with all kinds of creatures and don't mind so much but this year I thought it unfair that our enormous Avocado tree had finally produce large fruit and we only managed to eat two of them. The rest being high were left to fall off the tree but we got instead the large seeds with some flesh on them.  Luckily the Hass variety is not so popular with the birds. I have managed to grow coriander. I think I put the seeds in the ground at the right time and hence the positive results.
I garden in Cyprus, in a flat old farming field, alt. approx. 30 m asl.



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Re: Fruit/Veg of the day
« Reply #156 on: November 28, 2021, 06:03:32 PM »
We have had more walnuts this year despite the drought.  The tree almost died last year as it was attacked by insects and some of the branches fell off but it manage to pull trough and produce fruit.  The other picture is of Pecan pies using  our home grow pumpkin and our pecan nuts,  The crows and magpies eat the pecan nuts  but we got enough for our pies.
I garden in Cyprus, in a flat old farming field, alt. approx. 30 m asl.



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Re: Fruit/Veg of the day
« Reply #157 on: September 09, 2022, 10:29:23 AM »
I have struggle to reduce photographs for the forum using my new computer and finally in desperation I got my old one out and got the job done.  Here are some photos of our dragon fruit.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2022, 10:31:58 AM by Charithea »
I garden in Cyprus, in a flat old farming field, alt. approx. 30 m asl.



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Re: Fruit/Veg of the day
« Reply #158 on: September 12, 2022, 10:30:49 AM »
We have a ginormous Avocado tree that John has grown from seed.  It casts shade in a large area at the top of the garden where I try to grow plants that need some shade in the summer.  Every year it produces many, many small avocados which we eat, although it takes time to skin them. it also produces some large avocados but high up on the tree.  We see them but can not get hold of them.  The birds eat them and the large seeds fall to the ground.  This year it has produced a few large ones within reach.  It will be a fight who will get them first.  I took a photo using my ipad..
I garden in Cyprus, in a flat old farming field, alt. approx. 30 m asl.


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Re: Fruit/Veg of the day
« Reply #159 on: November 01, 2022, 06:48:46 AM »
I hope you enjoyed the Avocado this year
MGS member
Living in Korinthos, Greece.
No garden but two balconies, one facing south and the other north.
Most of my plants are succulents which need little care