Season's Greetings

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John J

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Season's Greetings
« on: December 24, 2015, 12:39:54 PM »
In our area of Cyprus we never get snow, in fact as I write the sun is shining from a clear blue sky and the temperature is up in the high teens C. It would be even higher if not for a coolish breeze that is coming down from the mountains. We rarely even experience the beautiful autumn colours that countries further north are used to. The nearest we have come this year is the attached pomegranate tree whose photo I took today.
Despite the decidedly un-Christmas-like conditions I would still like to wish all forum contributors, and readers, the very best for the Festive Season and Happy, Healthy and Productive Gardening in the New Year. :D
Cyprus Branch Head. Gardens in a field 40 m above sea level with reasonably fertile clay soil.
"Aphrodite emerged from the sea and came ashore and at her feet all manner of plants sprang forth" John Deacon (13thC AD)


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Re: Season's Greetings
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2015, 05:01:31 PM »
Seasons greetings to all members from a very unseasonal Italy.The 'photo I hope to attach was taken this week at a height of about 500m. The "lake" is in fact the Tiber valley. It looked stunning as, after I had travelled through the mist (up a steep and winding road from the valley floor) to visit Monte Santa Maria Tiberina, a small fortified village complete with Bourbon castle, I emerged into sunshine and this view along the ridge leading to the village.
In my garden, slightly lower than MSM, I still have Pelargoniums, Salvias, Erigeron, Mandevilla etc in full bloom alongside Winter Jasmine and the bees are still busy....
MGS member living and gardening in Umbria, Italy for past 19 years. Recently moved from my original house and now planning and planting a new small garden.