Dregea sinensis

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Dregea sinensis
« on: June 08, 2014, 07:43:57 AM »
When at the Lucca Plant Fair last autumn I bought a Dregea sinensis - a plant completely unknown to me. It was quite a small specimen and I kept it in its pot in a sheltered position through the winter and planted it in the garden in late April. It soon started to grow away and produce flowering stems that are now in bloom - clusters of tiny white flowers with pink markings at the base of the petals - and a sweet perfume. Anyone else know/ grow this plant? Unfortunately my continuing attempts to reduce 'photos for posting are not always successful and so I cannot add a 'photo at this point - too much to do in the garden :)
MGS member living and gardening in Umbria, Italy for past 19 years. Recently moved from my original house and now planning and planting a new small garden.