A problem with pine martens

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A problem with pine martens
« on: May 26, 2017, 09:27:11 PM »
I am a new member joined recently
I live in Crete and having great deal of problem with martens, they climb up the fruit trees eating the fruit breaking the new shoots! I wonder if any members have a solution to this.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2017, 07:54:02 AM by Alisdair »



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Re: A problem with pine martens
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2017, 08:59:25 AM »
Hi Mikalis,
I have also just joined and have an awful problem with martens here in the Mani.  We have Beech martens here and they are destroying my lavender, Gaura, Nepata and Achillea by using the shrubs to take a dry bath, completely flattening them.  I am now investigating a couple a deterrents and happy to let you know how they work.  One is a solar powered ultrasound device made by Volador, this emits both sound and flash of light when it detects movement.  The second is an anti marten spray which is OK during the dry season, this is made by Kerbl.  So far no more spoor.  However, the plants are in their heavily pruned back version and the martens seem to be discerning creatures, waiting until each plant is at its most tempting before attacking!
Gardened since the age of 6 off and on, but living in central London my gardening has been very reduced, so regard myself as a novice.  Roots in Chemistry and Microbiology and management in a variety of industries.  Now enjoying the challenges of developing a garden in the Mani at 480M, Greece.


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Re: A problem with pine martens
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2017, 11:44:23 PM »
Hi Sisyphus
Thank you for your post, we have tried the ultrasonic devices but did not find them helpful, we tried the infrared light detector but no real success!
They are terrible
I thought of installing electrified fencing but is not practical as the marten are very good climber and a very good jumpers
Please let me know if u find a solution. Thanks



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Re: A problem with pine martens
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2017, 12:45:09 PM »
We had a bad experience with pine marten in our small cabin in the mountains in Norway; they can really make considerable damage. When we came there at Easter one year, we found traces of soot everywhere, and the beds where covered with a mixture of sugar, rolled oats and cocoa. The culprit left revealing signs: there were sooty footprints on the cover of the gas stove. Martins are very good climbers and this one came down from the roof via the chimney and out through the fireplace. Now we have learnt to block the chimney damper and to leave anything edible in tight boxes. It also used the sofa as loo, fortunately, it was cold (around -20o C, indoors) so it hardly left any marks and.

We were lucky, though, one of our nearest neighbours (about 500 m from our cabin) had a visit as well, they had a 7kg cured ham hanging in one of the cross beams in the ceiling. The marten climbed up the wall, crossed the beam and gnawed the string holding the ham. It fell down with such force that two floor boards were splintered and had to be replaced.

Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence that the many electronic devices on the market have more than a very limited and short-term effect, according to the Danish Pest Infestation Laboratory, the University of Aarhus, referring to German investigations. But hopefully the devices mentioned by Sisyphus were not included in the Germans’ investigations, so good luck to both of you.

Funny though, some people are trying to chase the martens, others are going to great lengths to get a glance of them. I read a blog https://www.blackislehides.co.uk/blog/pine-martens-bloody-pine-martens which describes a new type of photo tourism offering a hide where you may see martens, if you are lucky; I suppose it is not for free…
Retired veterinary surgeon by training with a PhD in parasitology,  but worked as a virologist since 1992.
Member of the MGS  since 2004. Gardening in Oslo and to a limited extent in Halkidiki, Greece.